You’re in the company of
the One
whose presence unburdens,
unshackles and unbolts you.
Whilst in the place of not yet
The One
says yet, “‘I AM’ with you here.”
unashamed and undaunted by
this interval of the very meantime.
No diversion will occupy My
withness resolve.
No stretch of time will deter My
while dare.
No uncivilized, unclimable, uncertain, unceasing
setback will prevent My escort. I'll get you there.
You’re in the company of
My kindness,
it is unshakeable.
While in this liminal place
you’re hosted by My favor
it is unstoppable.
(Inspired by Genesis 39:20, 21, a traumatic and triumphant story of God in Joseph's life)
May this soul care blessing usher you into an all-is-grace week and shape a perspective of abundance in the unfamiliar and familiar places that you'll navigate with Jesus all week long, moment by moment.
Until next time,
Scribble. Speak. From your soul.
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LEAVE A COMMENT: What resonates with you the most in this blessing?